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Sh is a predecessor to the RapidMind Multi-core Development Platform, metaprogramming language for programmable GPUs. It is the result of research at the University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab.

In August 2009, RapidMind became a part of Intel Corporation, the leader in software development tools for software parallelism and performance. RapidMind technology will be integrated in Intel software products and technologies, including the Intel Ct technology for data parallelism.

RapidMind is no longer actively maintaining this library. However, Intel and RapidMind remain strong proponents of open source communities, and therefore have archived Sh on this SourceForge site. Sh is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. This allows anyone to view the source code, pass it on, improve it and use Sh in both Open-Source/Free Software and proprietary products under certain conditions.

Copyright 2003-2010 Intel Corporation.