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We list some of the contributors to Sh below, both current and past. This list is likely to be incomplete, as there are always new people working on Sh and related applications. If you think you should be listed here, please contact Stefanus.

Current Contributors to Sh

Michael McCool
Michael McCool is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, and President of RapidMind Inc. He was the original designer of the Sh language and continues to set the direction for future research and implementation related to Sh.
Bryan Chan
Bryan is a graduate student in the University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab under the supervision of Michael McCool. He has implemented several interesting shaders in Sh, including noise functions, Worley cellular textures, a game of life implementation, and a linear algebra operator library. Bryan continues to work on Sh as part of his Master's research.
William Donnelly
William is an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo with extensive GPU experience gained during work terms at NVIDIA. He has implemented a novel displacement mapping technique using Sh, and has worked on Sh-based applications at RapidMind Inc.
Stefanus Du Toit
Stefanus is a graduate student at the University of Waterloo and CTO of RapidMind Inc. As the lead developer on Sh, he is responsible for writing most of the current Sh code base, and continues to coordinate its development. His Master's research is on compiler support for GPU programs, and in particular covers issues related to high-level GPU program optimization.
Gabriel Esteves
Gabe recently joined the Computer Graphics Lab at Waterloo as a Ph.D. student after completing his Master's with the Programming Languages Group. He is working on enhancing the stream programming model in Sh and mapping it to parallel computers.
Andrew Lauritzen
Andrew is an undergraduate Computer Science student at the University of Waterloo. He has contributed to the Independent Games Festival in the past, and is now investigating the use of Sh within games, by integrating Sh into existing game engines and building a prototype game on it.
Francois Marier
Francois is a core developer at RapidMind Inc. He works on the core parts of Sh, i.e. language and compiler issues. One of the major contributions he has made to the system is the OpenGL Shading Language backend.
Kevin Moule
Kevin is currently a staff member for the Integrated Centre for Visualization, Design and Manufacturing at the University of Waterloo. He helps out with various aspects of Sh, including the CPU backend and the GPU simulator, and uses Sh for projects within the ICVDM. His Master's work was on adaptive tessellation of displacement-mapped geometry.
Zheng Qin
Zheng is a Ph.D. student at the University of Waterloo. She implemented the initial Sh prototype. She is currently working on scalable font and vector graphics representaions for real-time graphics.

Past Contributors

Gabriel Moreno-Fortuny
Gabo has been a graduate student at the University of Waterloo and a developer at RapidMind Inc. He used Sh to implement an interactive ray-tracer that runs on both GPUs and parallel machines. Gabo now works at a well=known game company.
Tiberiu S. Popa
Tiberiu Popa completed his Masters in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, continuing his studies as a Ph.D. student at UBC. His Masters research explored techniques to automatically convert data-dependent control flow into efficient multipass SIMD implementations.
Filip Spacek
Filip is an undergraduate student at the University of Waterloo. As an undergraduate research assistant for Michael McCool, he implemented the first programs in the old Sh demo application, include a simple raytracer and bumpmapped (host-side) Worley shader.
Sylvain Vasseur
Sylvain is doing an internship in the Computer Graphics Lab at the University of Waterloo. He started by implementing various things for shrike, including shaders for bricks, tiles, horizon mapping, and various lighting models. He is now working on support for HDR textures and rendering.
Jack Wang
Jack is now a computer science graduate student at the University of Toronto. As an undergraduate at Waterloo, he worked as a part-time research assistant for Michael McCool. He has worked on raytracing using Sh and is involved in the Sh standard library, and has implemented (amongst other things) a quaternion class.

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